Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Susanne Lindenthal (AT)

Susanne Lindenthal

Susanne Lindenthal combines the best of two worlds: modern nutritional science and nutrition according to the principles of TCM. In her two practices in Baden and Vienna and online throughout Europe, she uses scientifically based nutritional advice to support people who have problems with their diet and digestion, or who can no longer find their way through the nutritional jungle. On her blog, she publishes numerous specialist articles, food profiles and also easy and tasty recipes. In addition, she has launched several online products and is co-author of the e-book ""Wege zum Wunschgewicht"".

Honorary activities: Member of the board of the Association of Nutritional Sciences of Austria, chairwoman of the board of g5e - Society for Nutrition according to the Five Elements, federal spokeswoman of the Chamber of Commerce for nutritional counselling in Austria.

More information at:
Here you will find a short video message and course description from the lecturer:

Classes with Susanne Lindenthal


Thementag Integrative Ernährungstherapie

Antje Styskal (DE)Antje Styskal (DE)DE
    Friday, 30.05.2025
    09:00-12:00, 14:30-17:30
    • Dietetics
    • All levels

    Show/hide schedule

    • 09:00-10:30
      Integrative Ernährung und Adipositas-Therapien

      Abnehmspritzen, bariatrische OPs - wie gehen wir damit um?

      Ruth Rieckmann (DE)Ruth Rieckmann (DE)
    • 10:30-12:00

      Chinesische Heilkräuter bereichern die integrative Ernährungstherapie

      Vera Splinter (DE)Vera Splinter (DE)
    • 14:30-16:00
      Wenn die Sinne versagen

      Riech- und Schmeckstörungen erfolgreich behandeln

      Dr. Uwe Siedentopp (DE)Dr. Uwe Siedentopp (DE)
    • 16:00-17:30
      Eine praktische Sinnesreise durch die fünf Geschmäcker

      Geschmack und Geruch in der integrativen Ernährungstherapie

      Cornelia Führer (AT)Cornelia Führer (AT), Susanne Lindenthal (AT)Susanne Lindenthal (AT)

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