Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Sylvia Köhn-Pandey (DE)

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Sylvia Köhn-Pandey

Sylvia Köhn-Pandey is an alternative practitioner in her own practice in Berlin with a focus on Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture, Chinese pharmacology, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, massage, dietetics and Qi Gong) and other complementary therapies (diploma for classical acupuncture and TCM, diploma for Chinese pharmacology). TCM training in ABZ-Ost (Shou Zhong Berlin), Chinese pharmacology with Volker Scheidt at EIOM in Munich. Full member of the AGTCM. 2008 Foundation of the TCM Social Forum - Chinese Medicine Across Borders, platform for global relief projects supported by Chinese Medicine and since then administrative organizational work in the chair. Since 2004 voluntary and free of charge humanitarian work as a therapist and lecturer in India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos and Germany.

Annual presentation of the TCM Social Forum at the TCM Kongress Rothenburg since 2009.

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