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Udo Lorenzen (DE)

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Udo Lorenzen

Udo is an alternative practitioner, medical historian M.A., visiting professor at Chengdu University of TCM in China, and qualified social pedagogue.
In 1983 he had a training at the Academy of Chinese Acupuncture in Colombo/Sri Lanka. Since 1988 Udo has been a non-medical practitioner with his own practice in Kiel, Germany. Since 1992 he has been the head of the Training Centre North for Classical Acupuncture and TCM. He has made several study trips to China with further training at the University of TCM in Chengdu and has been visiting professor there since 2016.
Udo studied history of medicine, education and sinology at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (CAU) and graduated in 2006 as medical historian M.A. (Magister Artium). Since 2011 he has been a member of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (World Federation of International Chinese Medicine Societies,) in the Committee of Examination and Evaluation.
German publications: “Mikrokosmische Landschaften – übergeordnete Konzepte in der chinesischen Medizin”, Volume 1 (2006 and 2nd edition 2016), Volume 2 (2007, a new edition is in preparation); “Die Heilkunst des Zhang Jie Bin – Das Herz als Mittelpunkt therapeutischen Handelns” (publication date in spring 2021); “Terminologische Grundlagen der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin” (1998); “Die Wandlungsphasen der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin“, 5 volumes (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) 1992-2012 (co-author Andreas Noll)
Udo is author of many articles on traditional acupuncture and TCM in German and foreign journals. Since 1990 he has been lecturer on many topics of Chinese Medicine in Germany and abroad.

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