Presented by the Association for Chinese Medicine
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Virginia Doran (US)

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Virginia Doran

As an international teacher, practitioner, and developer of her own method of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, Virginia Doran is a recognized expert in the field. Virginia has been teaching her method of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture since 1998 and has taught many of the teachers in the West on this subject. Ms. Doran has been a teacher and lecturer in the field of holistic health since 1980 and is licensed in acupuncture since 1995 and massage therapy since 1979. She also holds National Board (US-NCCAOM) certification in both acupuncture and Chinese herbology.

Virginia has been practicing various forms of healing with Qi since 1976, having the good fortune to study with adepts in the fields of Yoga, Qi Gong, Energy Medicine, Japanese and Chinese Acupuncture, Native American and Hawaiian Shamanism, and Tibetan Bonpo Healing Ways.

Ms. Doran is currently writing two books on Facial Rejuvenation – a textbook for practitioners and, for the public- on her entire program of Facial Rejuvenation. Virginia has received extensive publicity for her work for 20 years on major television networks, radio, and various magazines and newspapers. For teaching schedule, video trailers about the workshops and her instructional DVD set on FRA, visit:

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